Question 1: Find the invalid identifier from the following:

a. none
b. address
c. Name
d. pass

Question 2: Consider a declaration L = (1, 'Python', '3.14'). Which of the following represents the data type of L?

a. list
b. tuple
c. dictionary
d. string

Question 3: Given a Tuple tup1= (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90). What will be the output of print (tup1 [3:7:2])?

a. (40,50,60,70,80)
b. (40,50,60,70)
c. [40,60]
d. (40,60)

Question 4: Which of the following option is not correct?

a. if we try to read a text file that does not exist, an error occurs.
b. if we try to read a text file that does not exist, the file gets created.
c. if we try to write on a text file that does not exist, no error occurs.
d. if we try to write on a text file that does not exist, the file gets Created.

Question 5: Which of the following options can be used to read the first line of a text file Myfile.txt?

a. myfile = open('Myfile.txt');
b. myfile = open('Myfile.txt','r');
c. myfile = open('Myfile.txt'); myfile.readline()
d. myfile = open('Myfile.txt'); myfile.readlines()

Question 6: Assume that the position of the file pointer is at the beginning of 3rd line in a text file. Which of the following option can be used to read all the remaining lines?

c. myfile.readline()
d. myfile.readlines()

Question 7: A text file student.txt is stored in the storage device. Identify the correct option out of the following options to open the file in read mode.

i. myfile = open('student.txt','rb')
ii. myfile = open('student.txt','w')
iii. myfile = open('student.txt','r')
iv. myfile = open('student.txt')

a. only i
b. both i and iv
c. both iii and iv
d. both i and iii

Question 8: The return type of the input() function is

a. string
b. integer
c. list
d. tuple

Question 9: Which of the following operator cannot be used with string data type?

a. +
b. in
c. *
d. /

Question 10: Consider a tuple tup1 = (10, 15, 25, and 30). Identify the statement that will result in an error.

a. print(tup1[2])
b. tup1[2] = 20
c. print(min(tup1))
d. print(len(tup1))

Question 11: Which of the following statement is incorrect in the context of binary files?

a. Information is stored in the same format in which the information is held in memory. b. No character translation takes place
c. Every line ends with a new line character
d. pickle module is used for reading and writing

Question 12: What is the significance of the tell() method?

a. tells the path of file
b. tells the current position of the file pointer within the file
c. tells the end position within the file
d. checks the existence of a file at the desired location

Question 13: Which of the following statement is true?

a. pickling creates an object from a sequence of bytes
b. pickling is used for object serialization
c. pickling is used for object deserialization
d. pickling is used to manage all types of files in Python

Question 14: Syntax of seek function in Python is, reference_point) where myfile is the file object. What is the default value of reference_point?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3

Question 15: Which of the following components are part of a function header in Python?

a. Function Name
b. Return Statement
c. Parameter List
d. Both a and c

Question 16: Which of the following function header is correct?

a. def cal_si(p=100, r, t=2)
b. def cal_si(p=100, r=8, t)
c. def cal_si(p, r=8, t)
d. def cal_si(p, r=8, t=2)

Question 17: Which of the following is the correct way to call a function?

a. my_func()
b. def my_func()
c. return my_func
d. call my_func()

Question 18: Which of the following character acts as default delimiter in a csv file?

a. (colon) :
b. (hyphen) -
c. (comma) ,
d. (vertical line) |

Question 19: Syntax for opening Student.csv file in write mode is myfile = open("Student.csv","w",newline='').
What is the importance of newline=''?

a. A newline gets added to the file
b. Empty string gets appended to the first line.
c. Empty string gets appended to all lines.
d. EOL translation is suppressed

Question 20: What is the correct expansion of CSV files?

a. Comma Separable Values
b. Comma Separated Values
c. Comma Split Values
d. Comma Separation Values

Question 21: Which of the following is not a function / method of csv module in Python?

a. read()
b. reader()
c. writer()
d. writerow()

Question 22: What is the correct file extension for python files?

a. .exe
b. .python
c. .py
d. .p

Question 23: Which of the following symbol is used in Python for single line comment?

a. /
b. /*
c. //
d. #

Question 24: Which of the following statement opens a binary file record.bin in write mode and writes data from a list lst1 = [1,2,3,4] on the binary file?

a. with open('record.bin','wb') as myfile:

b. with open('record.bin','wb') as myfile:

c. with open('record.bin','wb+') as myfile:

d. with open('record.bin','ab') as myfile:

Question 25: Which of these about a dictionary is false?

a) The values of a dictionary can be accessed using keys
b) The keys of a dictionary can be accessed using values
c) Dictionaries aren’t ordered
d) Dictionaries are mutable

Question 26: What is a correct syntax to output "Hello World" in python?

a. print "Hello World"
b. print("Hello World")
c. input("Hello World")
d. output("Hello World")