Write a program in python that accepts a string to setup a passwords. Your entered password must meet the following requirements:
* The password must be at least eight characters long.
* It must contain at least one uppercase letter.
* It must contain at least one lowercase letter.
* It must contain at least one numeric digit.

Your program should should perform this validation.

Source Code

length = lower = upper = digit = False

password = input('Enter the password: ')

if len(password)>= 8:
    length = True
    for letter in password:
        if letter.islower():
            lower = True
        elif letter.isupper():
            upper = True
        elif letter.isdigit():
            digit = True

if length and lower and upper and digit:
    print('That is a valid password.')
    print('That password is not valid.')


Enter your password: snake
That password is not valid.
Enter your password: kangaroo
That password is not valid.
Enter your password: Cat20
That password is not valid.
Enter your password: Elephant6
That is a valid password.